메틸기를 세 개 가진 아미노산으로서 식품의 감칠맛 성분이다. 메틸기 공여를 통해 메싸이오닌 합성을 촉진하여 항지간작용 및 혈압 강하, 항혈당작용, 시력회복, 해독작용, 세포 복제 기능 등의 작용을 한다. |
본문 |
화학식 C5H11NO2. 흰색의 결정으로서 약간의 냄새와 단맛이 있으며, 베타인은 식품첨가물로 이용 시 명아주과 사탕무의 당밀을 분리· 정제하여 얻어지는데 주성분은 천연 아미노산인 베타인이다. 물에 잘 녹으며, 수용액(1→20)의 pH는 5.0~7.0이다. 오징어, 문어 등의 지미 성분으로 수산가공품에 조미료로 사용한다. 베타인은 동식물계에 널리 분포하고 있는데 어류의 근육에는 0.1% 이하로 존재하지만, 무척추동물인 오징어, 문어, 새우 등의 근육에는 어류보다 많이 들어 있으며, 이외에도 비트나 두류, 무, 구기자 등에도 들어 있다. 베타인은 콜린(cholin: tetramethylglycine)에서 베타인알데하이드가 되고, 다시 산화되어 메틸기의 공급원인 베타인이 되며, 메틸기를 다시 주면 다이메틸글리신(dimethylglycine)이 된다. 이것은 메틸기의 공여를 통해 메싸이오닌의 합성을 촉진하는 것으로서 이 과정을 통해 간 해독 작용을 촉진하며 항암 작용 등을 수행한다. 베타인의 주요 기능으로 항지간작용과 혈압강하, 항혈당작용, 시력회복, 해독작용, 세포 복제 기능 등을 가지고 있다. 특히 췌장의 랑게르한스섬을 자극하여 인슐린 분비를 촉진하며, 알코올로 인해 손상된 지방간을 치료하는 항지간작용 외에도 카르니틴(carnitine)을 생성하여 신장을 보호하는 역할도 한다. 또한 혈액 내 함량이 높아지면 심장질환을 유발하는 호모시스테인(homocysteine)을 저해하여 죽상동맥경화(atherosclerosis)와 같은 심혈관계 질환을 예방한다. 베타인은 수용성으로 물을 용매로 하는 차나 탕에 많이 들어 있다. 최근 연구결과에 따르면 베타인은 저밀도 콜레스테롤의 합성과정에 영향을 미쳐 혈중 콜레스테롤의 농도를 저하시킨다는 것이 보고되었다. Betaine HCl의 형태는 염산을 방출하여 위산 저하증 환자들의 소화를 촉진하며 저산증으로 인한 증상을 개선한다. 구기자는 베타인이 많이 들어 있는 식품으로 간장과 위장의 기능 촉진 및 동맥경화와 고혈압 예방, 근골강화와 빈혈예방 등에 효과가 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. | |
Betaine Hydrochloride(HCL) With Pepsin
Stomach Acid Individuals suffering with stomach and intestinal problems most frequently assume that heartburn, indigestion, gas, and reflux are caused by overproduction of stomach acid. This common misconception has been strongly re-enforced by our conventional medical profession, whose practitioners routinely prescribe stomach acid blocking medications at the slightest sign of stomach dysfunction, failing to properly diagnose the digestive problem by first monitoring the stomach's acid producing function, using scientific methods and neglecting to provide patients with common sense dietary recommendations.
The Symptoms of Over and Under-Production Are The Same Strangely enough, the symptoms of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid, HCL) over-production and under production are virtually identical. It is therefore unwise to jump to conclusions regarding what's occurring in the stomach without actual testing.
Medical Misdiagnosis Is Very Common The pharmaceutical firms with their considerable influence on the medical profession have, through advertising, incentives to doctors and various other forms of indoctrination, made it an almost reflex reaction on the part of most physicians, even many gastro-enterologists, to jump to the conclusion that a majority of gastric problems can be easily treated by the use of acid blocking medications. Because the American public over-consumes unhealthy food at an alarming rate, the routine use of acid blockers is highly profitable for pharmaceutical firms, provides instant relief for many sufferers, but can bring about long-term health problems for many misdiagnosed users.
Functions of Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric acid serves many functions, the three most important are: 1. It is the primary digestive juice responsible for breaking down proteins, preparing them for assimilation. 2. It acts as a protective barrier, killing many potentially harmful micro-organisms in our food. 3. It acts as a venting mechanism for the build-up of excessive concentrations of hydrogen ions in our blood and interstitial fluids. In other words, we consume acid forming foods and / or engage in acid forming activity, the production of stomach acid uses up considerable amounts of the acid forming material (hydrogen ions) thereby assisting in the elimination of excessive tissue acidity. The stomach acid once combined with food is eventually neutralized further down the alimentary canal by alkaline pancreatic secretions.
Underproduction Of Stomach Acid Is A Common Problem Based upon the testing of sample groups, it has been theorized that well over half of the U.S. population beyond the age of fifty years is under-producing hydrochloric acid on a constant basis, leading to a host of digestive and immune disturbances. one need not be of middle age to have this problem, nowadays it's not uncommon in younger persons as well. The demineralized, devitalized diet that so many are consuming greatly contributes to this problem, which can be significantly compounded by many individuals' preference for extremely low salt intake.
Testing A test, the "Heidelberg Capsule Test" is available (unfortunately few physicians have the equipment in their offices to provide it) that is capable of scientifically determining the stomach's ability to produce adequate concentrations of acid (HCL). If this test is not available to you, another "low tech" method of making a correct determination is available. This involves the use of a Betaine Hydrochloride supplement that is used as a challenge substance, when eating, to see if digestive function improves with its use.
Directions For Use of Betaine HCL When using Betaine HCL with Pepsin for the first few times, please be sure to follow the directions carefully. Always take Betaine HCL at the start of the meal! If taken without food, stomach burning may result.
1. At the very start of the meal, take one capsule of Betaine HCL. Monitor how your stomach feels during and after eating. Should any burning or heaviness occur, or if burning has been present previously (before taking the supplement) and is now worsened with the use of the Betaine HCL, do not continue using this supplement!!! This is an indication that your stomach is overproducing acid, or that your stomach lining may be damaged. In such cases, please consider the use of Alkabase, Gastric Complex-HP and/or Mastica, to normalize excess acid production and heal the stomach lining.
2. If the first dose of Betaine HCL produced no noticeable stomach discomfort, try taking two capsules at the start of your next meal, again monitor for burning and or heaviness during and after eating. If taking two capsules produces some discomfort, but one capsule does not, restrict yourself to one capsule at the start of each meal. If the two capsule dose produced no discomfort, try three capsules at the start of your next meal.
3. If all goes well when taking three capsules at the start of each meal, stay with that dosage, most individuals will not require increasing the dosage to four capsules. Regular use of supplemental hydrochloric acid will in most cases "re-train" the stomach to produce higher concentrations of acid on its own. This process may take anywhere from several weeks to several months, depending on the individual. The most significant indication that acid production is improving is that Betaine HCL supplementation can no longer be comfortably tolerated.
An Example: After having used the Betaine HCL for eleven weeks, at a dosage of two capsules per meal, without any discomfort, Joan now notices that she feels a burning sensation when taking the two capsules. She therefore reduces her dosage to one capsule at mealtime. After several more weeks, even one capsule per meal produces burning and Joan discontinues altogether. This is a sign that the stomach has been re-trained to produce adequate concentrations of hydrochloric acid without the further need for supplementation.
When consuming meals that contain little or no protein, much less hydrochloric acid is needed by the stomach to process its contents. Please keep this in mind when using Betaine HCL as a supplement and modify your usage accordingly.
Salt Consumption And HCL Production Unfortunately, much misinformation regarding the use of salt in the diet has been circulating for the last three decades or so. The body needs salt (NaCl) and cannot function adequately without it. Low salt diets can make it very difficult if not impossible for the stomach to produce adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid. The problem is not salt per se, but the quality of the salt. Using unrefined, highly mineralized sea salt is perfectly safe and healthful to the system. This type of salt is grayish in color and is produced by traditional methods used for many hundreds of years. Available in most good natural food stores it comes from Brittany and goes by names such as "Celtic Sea Salt" and "Star of the Sea". The more common white sea salt sold in most stores does not have the same healthful properties. Individuals with high blood pressure need not necessarily avoid salt. Salt over-consumption is only implicated in about twenty percent of hypertensive individuals (kidney related hypertension).